Yesterday, NapoleOrange slimed into the Oval Office and started eliminating American democracy and freedom. One of the first things he did was issue an executive order entitled “Defending Women from Gender Ideology and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government” Look it up if you want to; I will never link to anything that spray patient dunghill produces. The Order does many things, all of them cruel and unnecessary and designed to reinforce the brutal hierarchy Trumpers want.
One specific thing it does is prohibit transwomen prisoners from being housed in women’s prisons. There are 1,529 transwomen out of 10,091 women prisoners in federal prison. That is 6.6% of the total population of women prisoners. Because these are people who have all demonstrated that they can’t follow rules, I’m sure many of them are violent, as are the women they’re housed with. That’s why we have prisons. The real question is whether transwomen pose a real threat to other women. This National Institutes of Health study found that the threat ran in the other direction: the cis prisoners attacked the transwomen more often.
The biggest threat to women prisoners are male guards.
That is the real evil in this order. Trump is NOT removing men from women’s prisons. 25,454 guards in the federal system are male, 70% of the staff. Men will be running women’s prisons. Men will hold the overwhelming number of positions of authority over the prisoners and will definitely abuse that authority. Trumpers will never do a single thing to reduce the number of assaults by prison guards because none of this is about protecting women.
This order reinforces Trump’s preferred hierarchy of all men over all women. Women prisoners have to be available for male guards to rape. Rape is essential to patriarchy. Women have to be terrified of men. Trump’s desire to end government efforts to increase diversity in the federal workforce means that few or no women will ever be hired for positions like prison guard. The guards get all the helpless victims they want.
All ‘gender critical’ theorists think women are inferior to men. They are biological determinists who think women have wombs instead of brains. Women exist solely to be 3D printers for —ideally — more male children. Thus it is vital to eliminate any circumstances in which XY people coexist with XX people as equals. The very title of the EO emphasizes this, by stating it is ‘defending’ women. Why do we need ‘defending’ and from whom? Not the real threat — cis males — but the imaginary threat posed by other women.
"Protection" used to be the argument against women's suffrage.